2021/06/24 22:00






China Daily: The "Uyghur Tribunal" is accusing the Chinese government of violating human rights and committing "genocide" in Xinjiang at public hearings held from June 4 to 7 in London. There are media reports saying that this so-called "tribunal" is actually a private company registered in the UK where the so-called "witnesses" don't need to bear legal liability for perjury and can thus lie about anything. The reports also say that the major source of funding for this so-called "tribunal" comes from anti-China separatist organizations with links to terrorism. Do you have any comment?

Zhao Lijian: Indeed, this so-called "Uyghur Tribunal" has nothing to do with law. It is a pure anti-China farce.

On this so-called "tribunal", what we see is an orchestrated show rather than truth; predetermined conclusions rather than factual arguments; travesty of law rather than efforts to uphold justice.

The largest contributor to its fund is the anti-China organization "World Uyghur Congress" who has been instigating separatist thoughts. Its "Chair" Geoffrey Nice is notorious around the world for filing frivolous lawsuits about human rights, and has close ties with anti-China forces. The so-called "experts" include the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) and Adrian Zenz, who have long been weaving rumors to smear China. The so-called "witnesses" are just "actors" who fabricate all sorts of "persecution" stories that never happened.

No matter how anti-China forces rack their brains to put on anti-China farces, China, including its Xinjiang region, will enjoy greater development and there will be more and more voices in the world calling for an objective and just view of Xinjiang. At the end of day, this clumsy show directed and acted out by those with ulterior motives would be all in vain. (2021.06.08)

2. 英国广播公司记者:“维吾尔特别法庭”将于明日在伦敦“开庭”。将“出庭作证”的人称,他们在新疆被关押期间经受了折磨和虐待。你对此有何评论?





BBC: I'd like to ask about the Uighur Tribunal taking place in London tomorrow. Witnesses giving evidence there have told BBC that they've experienced torture and abuse while being detained in Xinjiang. What's your comment?

Wang Wenbin: The so-called "Uyghur Tribunal" is neither legal nor credible. It is just another anti-China farce concocted by a few individuals. The government of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region has made response in detail.

In fact, this so-called "tribunal" has nothing to do with the law. It attempts to run in the name of "tribunal" to engage in anti-China political and public opinion manipulation. This is nothing but an insult on the law.

The fake tribunal rallies a group of individuals who make a living by working against China. It is funded by the World Uyghur Congress, an organization dedicated to separating Xinjiang from China. Its "Chair" Geoffrey Nice reportedly used to be a senior British agent. In 2019, he served as the so-called "Chair of the China Tribunal" which staged anti-China farce. He is known for filing frivolous lawsuits, and has close ties with different anti-China forces. The so-called "experts" and "witnesses" include some frequently cited names such as the Australian Strategic Policy Institute(ASPI) and Adrian Zenz, who have long been spreading Xinjiang-related lies, as well as several "actors" who have been found to be habitually fabricating all sorts of "persecution" stories that never happened.

The "trial" in question staged by this group of people will carry no more weight than a show. Such behaviour of trifling with the law will only make it easier for the world to see through the despicable lies and rumors relating to Xinjiang. (2021.06.03)


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